Real Drama is an In-School/After School Arts in Education program specifically dedicated to helping young people, their parents, caregivers and their educational partners. Participants in our programs learn by actively modeling the social and emotional skills needed to help them effectively manage real life issues they are facing, such as, Violence Prevention Awareness, Anti-Bullying and Conflict Resolution.

ATTENDANCE OUTREACH (Individual and group counseling for at risk youth). Real Drama uses role play, theater games and facilitated discussions to help students who are struggling with school attendance and tardiness to learn social and emotional skills and cope with daily life issues such as Peer Pressure & Family problems which impact their attendance and can have a negative impact on their engagement in school. Presentation showcases are held at the end of each residency.  

COMMUNITY SERVICE LEARNING PROJECTS are also taught and help students impact and benefit their community through real life services. Real Drama student's have participated in various projects such as the R.Word.org Pledge, Toy Drive, AIDS Walk and Anti-Bullying Campaigns. 

Through Social Emotional Learning participants will:

  • Learn to recognize and manage their emotions; 
  • Build stronger inter-personal relationships;
  • Increase their sense of self-confidence and empowerment;
  • Gain ability to make better decisions.
Our programs  are always interactive, engaging and fun. Our highly trained staff is comprised of dramatic arts professionals who:
  • Have over 33 years cumulative experience in arts in education;
  • Are bilingual (English/Spanish);
  • Are PLAYSAFE, certified, background checked, fingerprinted, TB tested;
  • Are Adult and Pediatric First AID/CPR/AED certified.

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